
An irregularly updated collection of work in progress and other highlights.

Make it neon

March 2020

It warms my heart to see that the logo I made for Robert Boisen & Likeminded has been bent in neon.

Submitting the MobilePay case made together with Advice to the Creative Circle Award.

I made a poster for Netflix's launch of season 3 of Stranger Things. My 'Upside-Down Waffle' was exhibited in Copenhagen and Stockholm.

I made a poster to celebrate the launch of Advice's new all-black visual identity. It was used as an invitation to their annual summer party.

If you went to Heartland Festival in Denmark this year, you might have seen some of the many signs around the festival made by yours truly.

I made a poster for Pecha Kucha in Copenhagen.

A bunch of scary monster letters in various materials created for a poster for a kids event.

I guest lectured at The Danish School of Media and Journalism where I gave a talk about packshots and reviewed some badass sustainable brands, as a part of Clare McNally's Brand Creation course.